Friday, October 26, 2007

your image

I've been trying to design some new business cards for myself, but have been having trouble creating something I really want to stick with. Then I came across this article in HOW magazine. As a designer, I find it hard to settle on a design that represents me. After all, you are trying to get people to let you design something for them. If they don't like your card, it's not a good place to start. I think it's interesting to look at other designers' biz cards.

Thursday, October 25, 2007

crit, please

This project has proven to be a problem project for me. I'm not entirely sure where to go with it. I'm beginning to think this is just one of those things I'm in love with, but really should just scrap.

Last class we were told that we need to use feedback from crit as a guide to evaluate things that might need to be reworked in our projects. I felt like the crit of my jeans brochure comp was a checklist of things I needed to change. I did so, but it wasn't enough. I'd like to get some feedback and attempt to improve this brochure.

Maybe some of you non-classmate blog readers can also lend some advice. If you're not in class, this is an accordion fold brochure on boy jeans.

So, what do ya'll (classmates and non) think I could do to improve this brochure.

show and tell: typography

Band posters are a great place to look for typography. They're innovative, making them a great place to get inspiration. The typography always works so well with the illustrations and usually the type of music. Typography is utilized to help create an overall perception of the band. These posters were designed by Aesthetic Apparatus.

Friday, October 19, 2007

ahhhh helvetica

Did anyone get to see the documentary Helvetica when it was at the Corcoran Gallery of Art in DC? Check it out here. I think it looks interesting.

Monday, October 15, 2007

show and tell: favorite words

Here's a list of a favorite word for each letter of the alphabet:


Sunday, October 14, 2007

ice cream or paste?

One comment made about my campaign in class was that people couldn't tell what this little girl's eating. The ice cream looks too much like paste. Ewwwwww.

The top photo is the one I originally used. Do you think the bottom photo is better? I think seeing the ice cream cone in her hand dispels any hope of a paste-eating child.

Friday, October 12, 2007

show and tell: categorization

I, like many other in the class, brought in an example of categorization from Real Simple. They do an excellent job of categorizing everything. They've done just about everything more than once. My example was something really simple they did on mixing bowls. They broke them into four categorires: stainless steel, glass, plastic and ceramic.

Thursday, October 11, 2007

who doesn't like free stuff?

I've found myself using quite a bit for this class. It always helps to get a few free credits, especially if you're buying in bulk like me. Try this website for coupon codes. I tried the 20 percent off of 50 credits or more and it worked. Just type in the coupon code when you go to purchase your credits and voila. At least you get a few free ones! Hope this helps some of you out.

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

just don't

We've talked in class about never, never, never using anything from Disney in our designs because they'll come and get ya. Here's one solution to the no Disnery rule. Or at least one interesting way to represent Mickey.

The Palm Beach Post ran this design in their food section. It's about the Epcot food and wine festival. Sometimes it's just difficult not to run something Disney.

Friday, October 5, 2007


This web site has video tutorials for Photoshop help. Bert Monroy does a show on digital tricks and you can find episodes here.

It's kind of neat and can offer insight, if you'll take the time to watch.

Tuesday, October 2, 2007

i want this

Check it out. You can buy cool, nerdy stuff here. I love this KERN sweatshirt. You can also buy a swank CMYK jacket.