Sunday, October 14, 2007

ice cream or paste?

One comment made about my campaign in class was that people couldn't tell what this little girl's eating. The ice cream looks too much like paste. Ewwwwww.

The top photo is the one I originally used. Do you think the bottom photo is better? I think seeing the ice cream cone in her hand dispels any hope of a paste-eating child.


Chaviva Gordon-Bennett said...

Except that ice cream cone looks fake, too :(

Valerie said...

I don't think it looks fake, and it's certainly an improvement over the unrecognizable goo in the first picture!

Bobby G said...

Paste is gross? Nobody told me that... The bottom photo is perfect.

michelle said...

i like the bottom one because at least you can see what she's eating. you can see what the other little kids are eating so i find it fitting that the ice cream cone is visible.